WIN Committee

Composition of the WIN Committee 2023-2024

 Chair Brazil

Ana Claudia Akie Utumi

Vice Chair/ Liason for Europe France Odile Courjon
Liaisons for Asia Pacific



Cher Hui Lim

Yuri Matsubara

Liaison for North America Mexico Fabiola Diaz Prado
Liaison for Latin America  Peru Luciana Yanez Salgado
Liaison for French-speaking countries France Delphine Bessot 
PSC representative


Shefali Goradia
Members Germany Birgit Fassbender

United Arab Emirates

Sunita Juma


Romana Giesen


Leena Doman-Brette


Sahel Assar


Isabelle Richelle

Congress Lisbon 2025 Portugal

Suzana Fernandes da Costa 

Congress Cape Town 2024 South Africa Tracy Johnson
ex-officio IFA Cecile Riphagen

Interview with Ana Claudia Utumi, Chair of WIN

Ana Claudia Utumi (Brazil) became a member of IFA in 2001, though her knowledge and interest about IFA started together with her career. “I started working at Coopers & Lybrand in 1992 and due to my English skills, which was not common at that time, I started to be in international tax matters since I was a trainee. During all these years, from 1992 to 2004, IFA was present in my researches through the Cahiers, in my studies of international taxation and in my day-by-day practice in Brazil.

I started attending the IFA Congresses in 2004 in Vienna and my first opportunity as a panelist occurred in 2007 in Kyoto at Seminar A (International Taxation of Emission Allowances). After that, I was fortunate to be a panelist in 2009 in Vancouver (Subject 2), 2012 in Boston (Chair, Seminar G) and 2013 in Copenhagen (Recent Developments).”

From 2010 to 2016 Ana Claudia has been appointed as a member of the Permanent Scientific. “From my personal story at IFA, even though we still see panels with more men than women, I do believe that IFA supports female tax practitioners and that women may seek form more space within the Association. At the PSC I can witness the concern of the Chair and Vice-Chair in having more women on board. My advice to IFA female members? To be more engaged with their local IFA Branches and activities therein, and be more in contact with PSC members to make yourself known and to be suggested as a panelist.

My advice to IFA female members? To be engaged with their local IFA Branches and to get in contact with PSC members to make yourself known and to be suggested as a panelist.
- Ana Claudia Utumi

Jeanne Goulet: speech on the Empowerment of Women at the 75th IFA Congress in Cancun

Interview with Jeanne Goulet on the foundation of WIN

Jeanne Goulet (USA) became a member of IFA in 1981 while at IBM and has been active ever since. She recalls: “I was introduced to the world of international tax by Marianne Burge, the first female partner at PwC and after this I visited almost every annual IFA Congress.

During the 2012 Boston Congress I was amazed at how many women attended and how few of them I knew”. Jeanne resolved to do something about it and contacted one of her fellow IFA members at the USA Branch, Carol Tello. Together they organized the first gathering with around 60 women, which was a success. A clear interest was expressed in establishing a WIN group in order to encourage networking and to discuss certain issues such as the participation of women in panels, the experiences related to the “glass ceiling” as well as creating a balance in life.

Interview with Antonella Magliocco, former member at IFA’s Executive Committee

The entrance of Antonella Magliocco (Italy) in IFA coincided with her appointment as the Italian Branch Reporter for the 2006 Cahier resulting in the attendance of her first IFA Congress in 2005 in Buenos Aires. “On that occasion being a woman didn’t weight too heavily on me, as I hadn’t the impression to be considered differently from my fellow male Branch Reporters. Over the course of the years that I have been active at IFA, I personally never felt any real intolerance, prejudice of stereotyping, which are still dominant in many sectors. The challenge consists in offering enough female representation as reporters and panelists, coming from the IFA Branches.”

In 2012 Antonella was appointed as a member of IFA’s Executive Committee. “Even though we are still in a minority around the table, our work in IFA over the upcoming years will be to facilitate the participation of women in IFA governance and in scientific panels, in a bottom up approach that will feed the female tide much more.”

Our work at IFA over the upcoming years will be to facilitate the participation of women in IFA governance and in scientific panels.
- Antonella Magliocco

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