IFA Singapore Branch: The International Tax Dialogues (ITD) Oct 2020-January 2021

29 October - 21 January 2021

About the dialogues

The International Tax Dialogues (ITD) is a series of discussions and interactive technical sessions on key
emerging issues in International taxation. The topics are global, contemporary and practical.
The discussions shall be led by international tax experts who will explain and take you through the various
nuances and technical issues, followed by in-depth discussions.

In view of COVID-19, we shall be conducting our ITDs online via the Zoom platform.
As with our previous ITDs, we shall allocate 1.5 hours in the evening for each session.

Attendance at the ITDs is Free for IFA members.


For more information about this event and please click here


Please send details including name, designation, company, email, contact number and type of
membership (IFA/SIATP/STEP) to Joy Ng. 


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