WIN Webinar European Region

17 March 2021


Dear Win Representatives, 

We have the pleasure to invite you to the next EU WIN Web Seminar which will be held next March 17, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. CET time.

This Seminar is destined to help us Understand IFA better: to do so, we propose to visit the Secretariat, the Permanent Scientific Committee (PSC) and the Supervisory Board with the help of eminent speakers who know those institutions inside out.  

The agenda will be as follows: 

  • Introduction
  • For the General Secretariat: Cécile Riphagen, Chief Operating Officer at IFA Central 
  • For the PSC: Miranda Stewart, Professor at the Melbourne Law School
  • For the Supervisory Board : Marta Villar Ezcurra, Professor at the Madrid University
  • Discussion as to how this can help: Sarah Blakelock, UK practitioner
  • An example of the German WIN experience: Birgit Fassbender, German Tax practitioner. 
  • Q&A and conclusive remarks. 

For this EU WIN Seminar, we will use the ZOOM connexion from the IFA studio. If you wish to attend but haven't received the link, please contact Odile Courjon (WIN Committee European Region)