XII Regional Congress of IFA Latin America

24 May - 26 May 2022

About the Regional Congress

The Peruvian branch of IFA is organizing the XII Regional Congress of IFA Latin America, which will be held in Spanish and 100% virtually from May 24th to May 26th 2022.

Two main subjects will be held:

Subject 1: "Parallels and differences among Transfer Pricing regimes in Latin America in a Post BEPS era”

Subject 2: "The influence of BEPS Action 4 in limiting the deduction of interests and other financial expenses in Latin America"

The program includes:

    1. Fintech, Insurancetech and crowdfunding, in the Latin-American tax context;
    2. The use of AI in tax audits and the taxpayers rights in the digital era
    3. Anti-abuse measures and anti BEPS measures, current situation and agenda.
    4. Transfer Pricing controversies in Latin America.  Experience in the region.
    5. Collective investment vehicles in Latin-American and the tax residency attribute for purposes of the DTT.
    6. Taxation of the digital economy, Latin-American perspective

Registrations are now open and all of the information on the event can be found in the official web of the event https://ifalima2022.pe/


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